In architecture an overview is given which parts of the software can be extended.

Writing new operators

Start by including

#include <mapit/operators/module.h>

in you main cpp, you can define a method with a name of your choice and this signature:

mapit::StatusCode <name_of_entry_function>(mapit::OperationEnvironment* env)

At the end of you code, use this macro to make the library usable for mapit_core/tools:

MAPIT_MODULE(<OPERATOR_NAME>, "description of your operator",

The parameter of the function is mapit::OperationEnvironment, which exposes all data you need.

  • mapit::OperationEnvironment::getParameters(): Returns a string that is the data given as paramters. This may be a string, the user entered in the command line. Currently all our operators use Json (json11 library) for encoding parameters.
  • mapit::OperationEnvironment::getWorkspace(): Gives you an interface for manipulating data (operators::WorkspaceWritable).

A simple voxelgridfilter using pcl looks like this:

#include <mapit/operators/module.h>
#include <mapit/logging.h>
#include <mapit/layertypes/pointcloudlayer.h>
#include <mapit/operators/versioning/workspacewritable.h>
#include <mapit/operators/operationenvironment.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <pcl/filters/voxel_grid.h>
#include <memory>
#include <mapit/errorcodes.h>
#include <mapit/operators/versioning/workspacewritable.h>
#include "json11.hpp"

mapit::StatusCode operate_voxelgrid(mapit::OperationEnvironment* env)
    //// Read Input ////
    std::string jsonErr;
    json11::Json params = json11::Json::parse(env->getParameters(), jsonErr);
    if ( ! jsonErr.empty() ) {
        log_error("could not parse operator parameters as json");
    double leafSize = params["leafsize"].number_value();
    std::string target = params["target"].string_value();

    //// Validate Input ////
    if(leafSize == 0.0)
        leafSize = 0.01f;
        log_error("target not set");

    std::shared_ptr<mapit::AbstractEntitydata> abstractEntitydata = env->getWorkspace()->getEntitydataForReadWrite( target );
    if( ! abstractEntitydata)
        log_error("target does not exist");
    std::shared_ptr<PointcloudEntitydata> entityData = std::static_pointer_cast<PointcloudEntitydata>( abstractEntitydata );
    if( ! entityData)
        log_error("target is not a pcl pointcloud");

    std::shared_ptr<pcl::PCLPointCloud2> pc2 = entityData->getData();
    if( ! pc2)
        log_error("target pointcloud is empty");

    //// execute voxelgrid filter ////
    pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PCLPointCloud2> filter;
    // workaround because pcl uses boost shared pointer.
    pcl::PCLPointCloud2ConstPtr stdPc2( pc2.get(), [](pcl::PCLPointCloud2*){});
    filter.setLeafSize (leafSize, leafSize, leafSize);

    mapit::entitytypes::Pointcloud2Ptr cloud_filtered(new pcl::PCLPointCloud2 ());
    sor.filter (*cloud_filtered);
    log_info( "new pointcloudsize " + std::to_string( cloud_filtered->width ) );

    //// set output ////

    return MAPIT_STATUS_OK;

            "use pcl voxelgrid filter on a pointcloud",

We use CMake to declare the macros OPERATOR_NAME and OPERATOR_VERSION. Currently they contain “voxelgridfilter” and 0001 (integer).

Configure the linker to create an shared library. Here is an CMake example:


find_package(Protobuf REQUIRED)
find_package(json11 REQUIRED)

find_package(PCL REQUIRED COMPONENTS common io filters)

add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED main.cpp)
target_link_libraries( ${PROJECT_NAME} ${PCL_LIBRARIES}

# for 'make install' to create .../lib/
# mapit installation searches in LD_LIBRARY_PATH for a lib with name "libmapit_operators_<operatorname>.so"
# TODO: tested only for linux.
    # tell CMake Prefix is "lib" otherwise it can not be queried
    set_target_properties(${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES PREFIX "lib")
get_target_property(OLD_PREFIX ${PROJECT_NAME} PREFIX)


Writing new layertypes

Layertypes consist of a header, that can be used to develop operators with the layertype and a shared library that can be loaded at runtime.

The code needs to publish a method for creating an object of the layertype out of a datastream of typeless bytes.

extern "C"
    MODULE_EXPORT void createEntitydata(std::shared_ptr<mapit::AbstractEntitydata> *out,
                                        std::shared_ptr<mapit::AbstractEntitydataProvider> streamProvider);

To prevent memory leaks on some systems, create a shared pointer with a custom deleter that is executed as part of the library. This is how it looks for PCL pointclouds:

void deleteEntitydata(AbstractEntitydata *ld)
    PointcloudEntitydata *p = static_cast<PointcloudEntitydata*>(ld);
    delete p;
void createEntitydata(std::shared_ptr<mapit::AbstractEntitydata> *out, std::shared_ptr<mapit::AbstractEntitydataProvider> streamProvider)
    *out = std::shared_ptr<mapit::AbstractEntitydata>(new PointcloudEntitydata( streamProvider ),

The pointer returned by the library is of the type AbstractEntitydata, so we need to create a class deriving from AbstractEntitydatato make use of polymorphism/subtyping and casting to a concrete layertype in e.g. operators. For convinience we do not derive from AbstractEntitydata directly, but from a templated class Entitydata. This removes some common pitfalls in the implementation and makes implementation easier.

The hard part of this task is generating the third party interface to data from an arbritary datastream. A datastream may come over the network or is read from a file, which should be transparent (meaning not important, not having an influence) to our layertype.

In the getData()-Method you can choose three forms, how the datastream is represented.

  • file
  • memory
  • std::stream

This is needed, because different thridparty libraries can only interpret some of these forms. In the case of PCL there is a lack of functionality when reading PCD Format from pointers to a chunk of memory. Thus, PCL Pointcloud layertype can only use files.

AbstractEntitydataProvider can be used to obtain a filename, a pointer or a std::stream. These can then be used with the loading/storing of the thirdparty library. Entitydataprovider needs to know when a reading or writing process starts and when it ends.


  • startRead + endRead, startWrite + endWrite: to obtain an std::stream to read from/write to
  • startReadPointer + endReadPointer, startWritePointer + endWritePointer: to obtain a chunk of memory
  • startReadFile + endReadFile, startWriteFile + endWriteFile: to obtain a filename to read from / write to

There are two methods to let the layertype know, which serialization is preferred for the current operation. E.g. when reading/writing from/to network, the streaming methods would be preferred. If there is a local file, the appropriate methods for file loading would be faster.

  • preferredReadType() and preferredWriteType() will give an hint, which method should ideally used. Possible return values are
    • ReadWriteStream,
    • ReadWritePointer,
    • ReadWriteFile

However, you may completely ignore this preference and only implement one of the serialization types.

Writing tools

For writing tools use the Repository and workspace class. Moreover GUIs can be implemented easily in Qml


There are fast C++ implementations for Qml Components to display an workspace. Moreover there is a Qt3D GeometryRenderer to visualize common layertypes (like pointclouds).

To import the C++ classes and use them with the namespace Mapit the following line is needed.

import fhac.mapit 1.0 as Mapit

There is a binding for Repository and workspace to easyly access and manipulate both. They have no visual representation but can be used to show a list of workspaces or in combination with RootTreeModel to create a tree view for a workspace,

Mapit.Repository {
  id: repo
  url: "tcp://localhost:5555"

Mapit.Workspace {
  id: workspace
  repository: globalRepository
  name: "testworkspace"

Mapit comes with it’s own TreeModel for workspaces:

Mapit.RootTreeModel {
  id: rootTreeModel
  root: workspace

This can be used to create a TreeView

TreeView {
  id: treeViewWorkspace
  model: rootTreeModel
  TableViewColumn {
    role: "displayRole"
    title: "Name"
  TableViewColumn {
    id: pathColumn
    role: "path"
    title: "Path"

When using the new Qt3D, data from the repository can be visualized by using Mapit.EntitydataRenderer and Mapit.Entitydata. The renderer implementes QGeometryRenderer and can be used as a Component to add geometry to an Entity. E.g. it can be used just like a simple SphereMesh in Qt3D.

Mapit.EntitydataRenderer {
  entitydata: Mapit.Entitydata {
  id: currentEntitydata
  workspace: workspace
  path: treeViewWorkspace.currentIndex
        &&, Mapit.RootTreeModel.NodeTypeRole)
        === Mapit.RootTreeModel.EntityNode
          ?, Qt.ToolTipRole)
          : ""